Navigating Employee Leave and Financial Support: How Californiaā€™s Paid Family Leave Grant Can Help Your Small Business

business financial support california grants for business california paid family leave employee absences employee leave support hr best practices paid family leave grant small business grants small business resources womenā€™s business center Aug 20, 2024

As business owners, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and overlook the fact that our employees have lives outside of work. However, life has a way of reminding us that they experience the same highs and lows we do. Just the other day, while shopping for my homemade garlic rosemary focaccia, I overheard the cashier, let’s call her Eve, excitedly telling a coworker about her upcoming maternity leave. Eve would be out for three months to welcome her new child, a joyous occasion for her and everyone who knows her.


While Eve's impending motherhood is a beautiful milestone, it also presents challenges for the store’s owner. The birth of a child, or any situation that requires an employee to take extended leave, can have significant financial repercussions, particularly for small businesses. Unlike large corporations, small businesses feel the impact of an employee's absence more strongly.


Fortunately, California has introduced a new grant program to help small businesses manage these challenges. The California Paid Family Leave (PFL) program provides paid leave to workers bonding with a new child or caring for a seriously ill family member. PFL offers up to 8 weeks of benefits within a 12-month period, and while it doesn't provide job protection, various state and federal laws offer protected leave for up to 12 weeks.


How This Impacts Your Business:

The financial strain of an employee taking PFL can include costs like training existing staff to cover the absent employee’s duties, hiring and training temporary staff, and other related expenses. To alleviate this burden, small businesses in California with 1-100 employees can apply for grants to offset these costs:

  • Businesses with 1-50 employees: Up to $2,000 per employee utilizing PFL.

  • Businesses with 51-100 employees: Up to $1,000 per employee utilizing PFL.


What You Can Do:

For more information on how to apply for the Paid Family Leave grant and to understand the details of the program, check out their page and contact them directly: California Paid Family Leave Grant Page.


Additional Resources:

If you have questions about leave, absences, and other Human Resources Topic questions, our specialist, Lisa McCormack, is available to help. Lisa will also be hosting a 3-part series on HR Best Practices starting August 29 at 9 AM. More information on the series is provided below.


For other business needs, feel free to call us at 1-888-926-6670 or email us at [email protected]. We’re happy to continue bringing business topics relevant to you and your business.


Get in Touch:

At the Women’s Business Center, we’re dedicated to supporting you through every step of the process. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any assistance you may need in your business. 


Until Next Week,

Call us at 888.926.6670 or email us at [email protected]


Thinking about Hiring? Have a problematic employee? Have any thoughts about how to retain your Star Employee?

 HR Best Practices for Small Business Owners

Join us for an interactive workshop series designed to assist you to hire and manage employees with confidence and knowing: 3 Part Online Series


  • Part 1 - Building Your Team: Preparing to Hire Your First Employee: August 29 at 9 AM

  • Part 2 - Nurturing Your Talent: Effective Employee Management: September 5 at 9 AM

  • Part 3- Transitioning Gracefully: Employee Separation and Termination: September 12 at 9 AM

Cost: Free

When: Thursdays starting August 29th 2024 at 9 AM.

Where: Zoom

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  • Dates: September 16th - November 21st

  • Time: Thursdays, 11 AM - 12 PM (Live) + Weekly Recorded Material

  • Cost: Free

  • Format: Zoom + Online Course

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Dates and Time of Classes:

  • Class 1: September 23rd, 3-5 PM

  • Class 2: September 30th, 3-5 PM

  • Hybrid: Online and at our Redding Office


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